Hållbara trästolpar och skräddarsydda lösningar

Inköp av virke och pålitligt samarbete

Högkvalitativ infrastruktur över hela världen

Scanpole är en av de ledande stolptillverkarna i Europa.

Vi vill ta fram och säkra en bättre och stabilare infrastruktur runt om i världen. Våra högkvalitativa trästolpar används i el- och belysningsnät samt järnvägslinjer på alla kontinenter.

Våra stolpar är gjorda av träd från långsamt växande Nordeuropeiska skogar, vilket gör stolparna särskilt starka och hållbara.


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When pole transports to Sweden, Norway or Great Britain depart from our factory in Ilseng, they have passed through Ole Kristian Engen’s hands. Handling orders and arranging transport have always been part of Ole Kristian’s job description. 

“In my work, it’s important to be able to see the big picture and be able to multitask. Even though the work can be stressful at times, a calm nature will help you get through.

Ole Kristian’s working days are varied. Most of his days are spent in contact with customers and logistics companies. At times, he is also involved in production planning. 

He considers the Ilseng working community to be his family, and still remembers how he was immediately accepted as a member of the team. Ole Kristian emphasises the importance of cooperation and everyone working towards a common goal. For new employees, he emphasises the importance of openness and humility. When working in a traditional industry, more experienced employees have a lot of knowledge to share. 

The work is so engaging that it is sometimes difficult for Ole Kristian to distinguish between work and leisure.

“I like my job, sometimes even too much. I feel that the job gives me a lot. But I don’t spend all of my free time at work, I spend it with my family and friends.”

When pole transports to Sweden, Norway or Great Britain depart from our factory in Ilseng, they have passed through Ole Kristian Engen’s hands. Handling orders and arranging transport have always been part of Ole Kristian’s job description.

“In my work, it’s important to be able to see the big picture and be able to multitask. Even though the work can be stressful at times, a calm nature will help you get through."

Ole Kristian’s working days are varied. Most of his days are spent in contact with customers and logistics companies. At times, he is also involved in production planning.

He considers the Ilseng working community to be his family, and still remembers how he was immediately accepted as a member of the team. Ole Kristian emphasises the importance of cooperation and everyone working towards a common goal. For new employees, he emphasises the importance of openness and humility. When working in a traditional industry, more experienced employees have a lot of knowledge to share.

The work is so engaging that it is sometimes difficult for Ole Kristian to distinguish between work and leisure.

“I like my job, sometimes even too much. I feel that the job gives me a lot. But I don’t spend all of my free time at work, I spend it with my family and friends.”
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2 days ago

Haemme Keski-Suomeen, Pihtiputaan/Viitasaaren alueelle jämäkkää hankinta-asiantuntijaa. Olet helposti lähestyttävä, itseohjautuva ja työskentelet mielelläsi niin metsäluonnossa kuin puunmyyjiemme kanssa. Persoona ja ihmissuhdetaidot korostuvat yhteistyössä puunmyyjien ja muiden metsäammattilaisten kanssa.

Keskeisiä tehtäviäsi ovat toimialueesi puunhankinnan suunnittelu puunosto, pylväsaihioiden merkkaus metsässä sekä puunkorjuun ja kuljetusten järjestäminen tuotantolaitoksillemme. Toimit tiiviissä yhteistyössä hankintatiimimme kanssa. Vastapainoksi tarjoamme sinulle pysyvää työsuhdetta vakaassa perheyhtiössä, hyvät henkilöstöedut ja sitoutuneen organisaation tuen.

Toimithan nopeasti, sillä täytämme paikat sopivien henkilöiden löydyttyä – viimeistään kuitenkin 31.5. mennessä. www.scanpole.com/puunhankinta


We are looking for an Procurement Specialist for Central Finland, in the Pihtipudas/Viitasaari area.
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1 week ago
The manufacture of electricity and telecom networks is a strictly regulated sector with high quality requirements. The poles used in this process are expected not only to have a service life of over 40 years, but also to have an environmentally responsible production chain.

We had the pleasure of having our customer Openreach (BT) audit us last week at our Newport plant. While they were auditing us, at the same time we were being audited for ISO & the new UKCA standard by Control Union and UKAS. This picture shows when the auditors met the auditors.

The manufacture of electricity and telecom networks is a strictly regulated sector with high quality requirements. The poles used in this process are expected not only to have a service life of over 40 years, but also to have an environmentally responsible production chain.

We had the pleasure of having our customer Openreach (BT) audit us last week at our Newport plant. While they were auditing us, at the same time we were being audited for ISO & the new UKCA standard by Control Union and UKAS. This picture shows when the auditors met the auditors.
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2 weeks ago